We pride ourselves on providing the flexibility you need to create your own design. That’s why we offer a graded-in fabric program, including a wide selection of anti-bacterial and anti-fungal Crypton and vinyl textiles, many containing recycled or recyclable content.
Check out these microsites from four leading fabrics manufacturers to grade-in your choices and order memo samples!
You can also order your seating with graded-in fabrics from a range of different manufacturers. Please note that we do not carry every fabric listed on these manufacturers’ websites. Use the filters below to see which fabrics are available, and then see what they look like on the manufacturer’s website to determine if they are right for your space.
We invite you to explore Sina Pearson collection of iconic textile designs:
Ordering Fabric
Looking to order a memo sample? Just send us an email to @email specifying what you’re looking for and we’ll set you up!
Find the Right Fabric
- 3D Grid
- 57 Chevron
- 78 RPM
- Abaco
- A Band Apart
- Abbey
- Abbey Road
- Abbott
- Abeam
- Aberdeen
- Abilene
- Abstract
- Acacia
- Acapella
- Ace
- Acoustic
- Acrobat
- Acuco
- Adagio
- Adare Manor
- Adler
- Adlon
- Admiral
- Adorn
- Aero
- Affinity
- Affinity 2.0
- Aficionado
- After Party
- Agency
- Agora II
- Air Knit 60
- Airy
- Alamo
- Alcantara
- Alcazar
- Alchemist
- Aldo
- Alex
- Alfresco
- Alhambra 401
- Alister
- Allante
- Allover 372
- All Seasons
- Allure
- Almanac
- Alpaca Epingle
- Alpaca Velvet
- Alphabet
- Alpine
- Amagansett
- Amalfi
- Amarillo
- Ambiance
- Amenity
- Amenity II
- Americas Cup
- Ample
- Amplify
- Amulet
- Amuse
- Amwell
- Anagram
- Analog
- Andromeda
- Anemone
- A New Twist
- Angelica
- Angle
- Angles
- Angora Mohair
- Animal
- Ankara
- Annual
- Anthology CV
- Antic
- Antico
- Antigua
- Antique
- Antoinette
- Anywhere 371
- Apella
- Aperitif
- Aperture
- Apex
- Aphrodisiac
- Apollo
- Apollo Silicone
- Appleseed
- Apprentice
- April
- Apt
- Aquavit 536
- Arabesque
- Arbor
- Arc
- Arcade
- Archer
- Archipelago 537
- Ardent
- Aria
- Arioso
- Aristo
- Aristocrat
- Arlie
- Arlo
- Armature
- Arne
- Array
- Artesima
- Article
- Artisan
- Artisanal EPU
- Ascend
- Ascent
- Asher
- Askrigg
- Aspect
- Assembled Check
- Assumed Luxury
- Astor
- Astronomy
- Athena
- Atlas
- Atmosphere
- Atomic
- Atria
- Attache'
- Audubon
- Aura
- Aureole
- Autobahn
- Avant
- Aventura
- Avignon
- Awaken
- Axiom
- Axis
- Ayano CV
- Baby Bear
- Bacci
- Badlands
- Balance
- Balcony
- Bal Harbour
- Bali
- Baltic-O
- Bamboozled
- B and B
- Bander
- Bandwidth
- Bandwidth II
- Bangle
- Banter
- Banyan
- Barcelona Crypton
- Bargello
- Bari
- Bari 2.0
- Bark Cloth
- Barnard
- Basket
- Batik
- Bauble
- Bavaria
- Bavaria Stripe
- Baxter
- Bay
- Bayside
- Beach Blanket
- Beachcomb
- Beachcomber II 482
- Beam
- Beaucoup
- Beaux
- Beck
- Bedrock
- Beehive
- Beeline EPU
- Beep
- Beguiled by the Wild
- Belair
- Belize
- Bellevue
- Belmont
- Belsize
- Bentley
- Bergerac
- Berkshire
- Berkshire Collection
- Berkshire Collection 2.0
- Bermuda
- Beryl
- Bespoke
- Bespoke Stripe
- Beta
- Bewitch
- Beyond
- Biarritz
- Bibury
- Big Bang
- Big Bird
- Big Dot
- Big Game
- Big Stripe
- Big Texture
- Bijou
- Bijoux
- Billiard Cloth
- Billow
- Bind
- Birdie
- Birdseye
- Biscayne
- Biscotti
- BitDrift
- Bixby Macro
- Blair
- Blend
- Blended Stripe
- Blink Ombre
- Blip
- Bliss
- Block Petal
- Bloko
- Bloom
- Bloomer
- Blossoms Time
- Bluff
- Blur
- Blurred Plaid 527
- Boardwalk
- Bobbin
- Bobby
- Boca
- Bocce
- Boggle
- Boheme
- Boho
- Bold Plaid 530
- Bombora
- Bond
- Bondi
- Bonnie
- Boomerang
- Boomerang Print
- Boom II
- Boost
- Borderline
- Borders
- Boston
- Botany
- Boteh
- Boucle
- Boucle Houndstooth
- Boucle Melange
- Boucle Two Way
- Boudoir
- Boundary
- Bouquet
- Box Chain
- Boyle
- Bozeman
- Brando
- Brattleboro
- Bravo II
- Brazos
- Breeze
- Brera
- Breton
- Brick and Mortar
- Brigantine
- Bright Angle
- Bright Cube
- Bright Grid
- Brilliance
- Brilliant
- Brim
- Brindle
- Brink
- Brio
- Brisa (N/S B/O Only)
- Brisa (N/S B/O Only) (Premium)
- Brisco
- Brisk
- Brit
- Britannia
- Brixton
- Broadband
- Broadcast
- Brompton
- Bronco
- Bronte
- Brooks
- Brushed Camel
- Brushed Cashmere
- Brushed Flannel
- Brushstroke
- Brushwork
- Bryn Mawr
- Bubblerake 2.0
- Buccaneer
- Buckaroo
- Buenos Aires
- Buff
- Buffer
- Build
- Building Blocks
- Bull's Eye
- Burkina
- Burkshire
- Burkshire FAR
- Burlington
- Burrard
- Burrard Ground Cloth
- Bute Storr
- Bye Bye Birdie
- Cabi
- Cabin
- Cable Knit
- Cadence
- Calabasas
- Calais Stripe
- Caledonian
- Calf
- Calf Crazy
- California Collection
- Calypso II 483
- Calyx
- Camber
- Camden
- Camellia
- Campana
- Cancan
- Candid
- Cane
- Cannon Beach
- Canopy
- Canter EPU
- Cantina
- Canyon
- Caper
- Cape Town
- Capri
- Captiva
- Captivate
- Caracas
- Caravan
- Carbon
- Caress
- Caressa
- Carlo
- Carnival
- Carousel
- Carrara
- Carson
- Carson CV
- Casanova
- Cascade
- Cashmere II
- Cashmere Ripple
- Casita
- Caspian
- Cassidy 2.0
- Cassiopeia
- Catalina
- Catalina Cruise
- Catch Me If You Can
- Catwalk
- Cavo
- Celebration
- Centering Stripe
- Central
- Centric
- Ceramica
- Ceremony
- Cesto
- Cetus
- Chain Link
- Chaise
- Chalet
- Challenger
- Chambray
- Chamea II
- Chameleon 520
- Chamomile
- Chamonix Crypton
- Champagne
- Champion Drapery Lining
- Chania
- Channel
- Channel 2.0
- Chant
- Chaos
- Chaperone
- Chaps
- Charade
- Charleston
- Charlotte
- Charted
- Charted Reverse
- Chasm
- Chateau
- Chauffeur
- Cheap Seats
- Check
- Checker
- Checker Split
- Chekhov
- Chenille Chevron
- Chenille Twist
- Chenille Waistcoat
- Chequers
- Chesham
- Chetlenham
- Chicago
- Chime
- Chime CV
- Chimera
- Chindi
- Chipper
- Chit Chat
- Choreography
- Chroma
- Chromatic
- Chronicle
- Chunky Tweed
- Ciao
- Cinema
- Circle Jacquard
- Circles
- Cirque
- Cirque 2.0
- Citadel 2.0
- Cityscape
- Civil
- Clad Celliant
- Clamber
- Clang
- Clarita
- Clarity
- Claro
- Classic
- Clean Slate 2.0
- Cleo
- Clerkenwell
- Climb
- Clip 544
- Clipper
- Cloud Nine
- Cloud Velvet
- Clydesdale
- Coach Cloth
- Coachella
- Coalesce
- Coastline
- Coconut Grove
- Cocoon
- Coda
- Coexist
- Coffee Berry II 480
- Cohesion
- Coin
- Collage
- Collect
- Collier
- Collins Ave
- Colorado
- Color Block
- Colorfield
- Colorguard 2.0
- Colorloop
- Color Riot
- Colorwheel
- Color Works 543
- Column
- Comalapa
- Community
- Como
- Compass
- Composite
- Compound
- Comrade
- Concentric
- Concord Stripe
- Concourse
- Conduit
- Confetti
- Confetti 450
- Conga
- Connect
- Connect 2.0
- Connery
- Conquest
- Constant
- Continuum 10
- Contour
- Convergence
- Cool Comfort
- Copala
- Copy Cow
- Corddry
- Corded
- Cordovan Epu
- Corduroy
- Core 2.0
- Corfe
- Corinthian
- Corium
- Cornerblock
- Cosmopolitan
- Cosmos
- Cosset
- Cotton CV
- Cotton Velvet
- Countryside
- Couture
- Cove
- Cover Cloth
- Covet
- Cowtown
- Cozy
- Cozy 456
- Cozy Texture
- Craft
- Craze
- Crazy Horse
- Crepon
- Crescendo
- Crespo
- Crew
- CrissCross
- Criss Cross 2.0
- Croft
- Cross Check
- Crosshatch
- Crossing Colors
- Crossing Lines 407
- Crossover
- Cross Stitch
- Crossweave
- Crosswind
- Crosswise
- Cruise
- Crusade
- Crystal
- Cube
- Cube Geo
- Cubitt
- Cuddle
- Cumulus
- Cupertino
- Cupid
- Curator
- Curl
- Current
- Cursive
- Curve
- Cush
- Cutting Edge
- Cycle
- Dakar
- Dakota
- Dakota 2
- Danbury
- Dance Floor
- Dance Party
- Dante
- Dapple
- Darning Sampler
- Darning Sampler Large
- Darning Sampler Plaid
- Dart
- Dash
- Dash of Color
- Daybreak
- Daydream
- Daytona
- Dazzle
- Dazzler
- Debonair
- Debutante
- Deco District
- Deconstructed Rose
- Deepdale
- Deka
- Delano
- Delmar
- Delphi
- Demeter
- Denali
- Depth
- Destinations 315
- Destiny
- Detail
- Dexter Epu
- Diamant
- Diamond
- Diamond Rock
- Didi
- Dillon
- Dion
- Dipper
- Discovery
- Display Fabric 57
- Distill
- Distressed Texture
- District
- Division
- Divvy
- Docket
- Dogwood
- Domain
- Domani 357
- Dome CV
- Donegal
- Donovan
- Dorian
- Dot Pattern
- Dots
- Dotty
- Dotty Print
- Double Triangles
- Double Weave
- Dover
- Drape
- Draper
- Drawing Lines
- Dream Catchers
- Drift
- Drifter
- Drizzle
- Dublin
- Duel
- Duet
- Dune
- Duotone
- Dupioni
- Durango
- Duration
- Duraweave 10
- Dusk
- Dylan
- Dynamic
- Dynasty
- E-Scape
- Ease
- Easton
- Eave
- Ebb
- Echelon
- Echo
- Eddy
- Eden
- Edge
- Edges
- Edison
- Editor
- Edwardian
- Effervescense
- Effervescense 2.0
- Effervescent
- Ego
- Elegant
- Element
- Elementary
- Elevado
- Elevated
- Elevation
- Eli
- Eli 2.0
- Elite
- Elizabeth
- Ella
- Ellerby
- Ellipse
- Ellipsis
- Elm
- Eloquent
- Elysium
- Emblem
- Embrace
- Emergent
- Emerse
- Emerson
- Emit
- Empire Silicone
- Empress
- Empress 2
- Enamored
- Enchant
- Encore
- Endurance EPU
- Endurepel Aristocrat
- Endurepel Boca
- Endurepel Bondi
- Endurepel Cocoon
- Endurepel Duel
- Endurepel Elizabeth
- Endurepel Foundation
- Endurepel Franklin
- Endurepel Fusion
- Endurepel Harper
- Endurepel Heavenly
- Endurepel Intrigue
- Endurepel Jeffery
- Endurepel Loft
- Endurepel Louis
- Endurepel McCoy
- Endurepel Medley
- Endurepel Mia
- Endurepel Monroe
- Endurepel Moritz
- Endurepel Muse
- Endurepel Nomad
- Endurepel Pace
- Endurepel Quarry
- Endurepel Royal
- Endurepel Sabi
- Endurepel Tiffany
- English Leather
- English Pub
- English Pub FAR
- English Suede
- Engrave
- Enhance
- Enigma
- Enmesh
- Ensemble
- Enthusiast
- Entrada
- Entwine
- Entwined
- Envision
- Eon EPU
- Ephesus
- Epic
- Epingle Stripe
- Epiphany
- Equate
- Equator
- Equestrian
- Equinox
- Escapade
- Esd Vinyl
- Essay
- Essence
- Essential
- Essex
- Etch
- Ethos
- Euclid
- Euphoria
- Everest
- Everyday 550
- Everywhere Texture
- Evo CV
- Evoke
- Evolution
- Exaggerated Plaid
- Excel
- Excursion
- Exhibition
- Explore
- Explorer
- Expo
- Expression
- Extra Celestial
- Extravaganza
- Exuberance
- Eyes IN Reflection
- Fab Four
- Fabiana
- Facets
- Factor
- Fanfare
- Farra
- Fascinate
- Fathom
- Faux Bois
- Faux Felt
- Faux Mo
- Feature
- Fedora
- Felicity
- Felix
- Felt
- Felt 2mm
- Felt Melange
- Feltro
- Fenestra Too!
- Fern II 486
- Festoon
- Fiberdrill
- Fiddlesticks
- Fidget
- Fidget CV
- Field
- Figment
- Fiji
- Filbert
- Filly
- Financier
- Fine Point Velvet
- Finley
- Finnegan
- Fionna
- Firma
- First Class
- Fitz
- Five Cities
- Fizz 2.0
- Fizzy
- Flagship
- Flair
- Flanders
- Flannela
- Flare
- Flash
- Fletcher
- Flex
- Flicker 500
- Fling 497
- Flint
- Flip
- Flitter
- Float
- Flock
- Flora
- Florentino
- Flourish
- Flow
- Flower Market
- Fluent Crypton
- Flurry
- Fluted Silk
- Flutter
- Flux
- Focus
- Foiled
- Fold
- Foliage
- Folio
- Folklore
- Folklore 455
- Follow CV
- Follow the Leader
- Foray
- Fore
- Forestbound
- Forest Floor 553
- Form
- Formation
- Forte
- Fortress
- Fortune
- Foster
- Foundation
- Foundation 10
- Fowl Play
- Fractal
- Fragment
- Fragments 540
- Framework
- Francesca Wool
- Francesca Wool Ii
- Franklin
- Free
- Free Time
- Frequency
- Frequency 2.0
- Frida CV
- Fridays
- Friendship
- Frolic
- Front Desk
- Frontier
- Fruit
- Fulton
- Function
- Furstenberg
- Fuse
- Fuse 2.0
- Fusion
- Gabby
- Gale
- Galileo 2.0
- Galleon
- Galveston
- Galway
- Gamma
- Gamut
- Gamut Celliant
- Gardenia
- Garden Party
- Gargrave
- Garnet
- Gather
- Gatsby
- Gaucho
- Gavin
- Gazebo
- Gelato
- Gem
- Gemini
- Gemma
- Gemma Multi
- Geode
- GeoMet
- Geometri
- Geometric II
- Geoquilt
- George
- Gesture
- Getaway
- Gia
- Gild
- Gilded
- Gilded Age
- Ginkgo
- Glam
- Glamis
- Glamp
- Glassworks
- Glaze
- Gleam
- Glen
- Glide
- Glimmer
- Glimpse
- Glinda
- Glint
- Glissette
- Glitz
- Glo
- Glossed Linen
- Gloucester
- Graddy
- Gradient 492
- Graffiti
- Grand Sierra 2.0
- Graph
- Grasscloth
- Gravity
- Great Wall
- Greenwich
- Grenelle
- Grenoble Crypton
- Grid
- Griffin
- Grille 2.0
- Grit
- Groove EPU
- Groundwork
- Grove
- Guideline
- Guild
- Gumption
- Guru
- Gust
- Haarlem
- Haberdasher
- Habit
- Habitat
- Hacienda II 481
- Halo
- Hampstead
- Hanbel
- Handsome Plaid
- Handwork
- Hanji
- Happy
- Harbor Lights
- Harlequin
- Harley
- Harmony
- Harper
- Harrison - MB
- Hashtag
- Hatchmark
- Hathaway
- Haute Seat
- Havana
- Haven
- Hawes
- Haywire
- Healthy
- Hearsay
- Hearth
- Heather
- Heavenly
- Helix Print
- Helsinki Crypton
- Hemingway
- Hemp Canvas
- Hem Stitch
- Heritage
- Hero
- Herringbone Stripe
- Hewn
- Hexagon
- Hexie
- Hi-Fi
- Hide
- Highland
- Highlands
- High Noon
- High Rise
- High Tide
- Highway
- Hillside
- Himalayan
- Hinge
- Hint
- History
- Hitch
- Hit Parade
- Hive
- Hobnob
- Holistic
- Holloway
- Holly
- Holmes
- Honeycomb
- Honeycomb 521
- Honeycomb Shag
- Hop
- Hopsack
- Horizon
- Horsehair Basket
- Horsehair Check
- Horsehair Striae
- Houndstooth
- Hours
- How Dashing
- Huddle
- Hue
- Huipil
- Hula Hoop
- Hum
- Hurlingham
- Hush
- Hush 2
- Huxley
- Hyde
- Hyde CV
- Icon
- Icon 494
- Idle
- Ikat
- Illumina
- Illusion
- Illusion 2
- Imagine
- Imbue
- Impeccable
- Imperial
- Imperial Mohair
- Imprint
- Improv
- Improv CV
- Impulse
- In-Depth
- Indio
- Industry
- Infinity
- Infinity C-Zero
- Infinity Plush
- Infrastructure
- Infusion
- Ingrain
- Ink
- Ink-Gard Plus
- Inked
- Inlay
- Inline
- Inner Circle
- Insideout
- Insight
- Inspire
- Instill
- Instinct
- Intaglio
- Intaglio 2
- Intent
- Interim
- Interlace
- Interlock
- Interlude
- Interplay
- Intersect
- Interstate
- Intertwine
- Intricato
- Intrigue
- Inverness
- Iona
- Iota
- I Pattern
- Isa
- Isabella
- Ishi
- Isla
- Jackpot
- Jackpot CV
- Jacobs Coat
- Jacquard I
- Jambi Stripe Too!
- Jamboree
- James Dean
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- Javelin
- Jazzy 549
- Jeffery
- Jekyll & Hyde
- Jigsaw
- Jillian
- Jinga
- Jive
- John
- Jot
- Journal
- Journey
- Jubilee
- Julep
- Julian
- Jumper
- Junction
- Juniper
- Juno Print
- Just Add Plaid 501
- Just Dandy
- Just Kidding
- Juxy
- Juxy 2.0
- Kainai
- Kalahari
- Kami
- Kantha
- Kapow
- Kashmir
- Kazam
- Keen
- Keeper CV
- Kennebunk
- Kensington
- Kent
- Kepler
- Kepler Print
- Kerplunk
- Kettering
- Key
- Key Largo
- Keynote
- Kid
- Kilkenny Tweed
- Kilkenny Tweed 2.0
- Kin
- Kindred
- Kinetic
- Kingham
- Kingsman
- Kinney
- Kinsale
- Kinsey
- Kismet
- Kit
- Kith
- Knack
- Knowledge
- Koi Lily
- (-) Kri
- Kuba
- Kusari
- Kusari 2.0
- Kyoto
- Labyrinth
- Laceum
- Lachlan
- Ladder Stripe
- Lafayette
- Laguna
- Laila
- Lake Como
- Lake Placid
- Lakota
- Lambert
- Lamb of Luxury
- Lana
- Lanai
- Lanalux
- Lancaster
- Landmark 503
- Landscape
- La Piazza
- Lapland 531
- Lara
- Laramie
- Laredo
- Large Scale Geometric
- Lariat
- Lark
- Lasanna CV
- La Scalina
- Las Palmas
- Lasso CV
- Lateral
- Latitude
- Lattice
- Lava 2.0
- Lavish
- Layer
- Layers
- Layers 408
- Layers Garden
- Layers Garden Double
- Layers Park
- Layers Park Double
- Layers Vineyard Large
- Layers Vineyard Small
- Leafdot CV
- League
- Leap
- Leatheretta
- Leatherly
- Ledge
- Ledger
- Legacy
- Legend
- Leisure
- Lennon
- Leno
- Lenox
- Lens
- Leoni
- Level 2.0
- Levity
- Lexicon
- Lexie
- Liana
- Lido
- Lift
- Light 522
- Limerick
- Limn
- Lina
- Linden
- Linea
- Line Drive
- Linen
- Linen Basket
- Linen CV
- Linen Like
- Linen Velvet
- Lines ON Stripes 490
- Line Up
- Lineup
- Line Variations
- Linguine II 484
- Links
- Linnen
- Linum
- Little Dot
- Live Wire
- Livie
- Loft
- Loggia
- Logic
- Lombard
- London Crypton
- Longhorn
- Long Play
- Loom
- Loomis
- Loop
- Loophole
- Loophole 2.0
- Loop To Loop
- Lore
- Lorelai - MB
- Lorenzo
- Louis
- Lounge
- Luca
- Luce
- Lucid Lines
- Lucio
- Lucy In The Sky
- Ludlow
- Lumber Jack
- Lumber Jane
- Lumi
- Luna
- Lunaria
- Lunette
- Luscious
- Lush
- Lusso
- Luster
- Lute
- Luxe
- Luzon
- Lyre
- Lyric
- Macallan
- Mackintosh
- Madeline
- Mademoiselle
- Madore
- Magic
- Mahony
- Majorca
- Malham
- Malibu
- Mambo
- Mammoth Deception
- Mandala
- Manifest
- Manner
- Mantle
- Mantra
- Manzanita
- Mapping Ideas
- Marais
- Marathon
- Marathon 460
- Marathon C-Zero
- Marcona
- Marisol
- Mark
- Marlo
- Marmara
- Maroc
- Marquee
- Marquetry
- Marqueyssac
- Martini 2.0
- Marvel
- Marylebone
- Mason
- Mason Stripe
- Masquerade
- Massive Paisley
- Mateo
- Matka
- Matrix
- Matter
- Maverick
- Maxim
- Maxwell Print
- Maxwell Street
- Maze
- Maze Print
- McCoy
- McQueen
- Meadow
- Measure
- Measure 436
- Mechanism
- Median
- Medina
- Meditate
- Medium
- Medley
- Mela
- Melange
- Melange Tweed
- Meld
- Mello
- Menagerie
- Meraki Stripe
- Merchant
- Merge
- Meridian
- Merit
- Meritage
- Mesa
- Mesh
- Messenger
- Metallo
- Metallurgic
- Metal Mesh
- Metal Strips
- Metaphor
- Meteor
- Metered Stripe
- Method
- Metric
- Metro
- Metropolis
- Metta
- Mexico City Crypton
- Mexidot
- Mezzanine
- Mezzotint 545
- Mia
- Mica 2.0
- Micro
- Microgrid
- Midair
- Mid Century
- Midday
- Midway
- Mikado
- Mikro
- Milagro
- Milano
- Millennium C-Zero
- Millerstripe
- Milly
- Mime
- Mind Bender
- Mineral
- Mingle
- Mingled Plaid
- Minicheck
- Minimize
- Minotaurus
- Mira
- Mirabella
- Miragi - O
- Miramar
- Mirth
- Missonly
- Mister
- Mix
- Mix 477
- Mixed Media
- Mixer
- Mixer EPU
- Mixology CV
- Moby
- Moccasin 2.0
- Mockaire
- Mock Croc
- Mod
- Moda
- Mode
- Modena 2.0
- Modernist
- Modern Plaid 546
- Mogul EPU
- Mohair Extreme
- Mohair Magic
- Mohair Plus
- Mohair Supreme
- Mojo
- Molecule
- Molly
- Monarch
- Monarchy
- Monhegan
- Monk's Wool
- Monolith
- Monroe
- Monsoon
- Montage
- Montana 2.0
- Montana Collection
- Montauk
- Montmartre
- Montreal Crypton
- Mood
- Moon Beam
- Moon Beam 2
- Moon Phase
- Moonscape
- Moon Shadow
- Mooskin
- Moquette
- Morgan
- Moritz
- Morocco
- Morph
- Mossy 474
- Motley
- Moto
- Mountainous
- Movement
- Moxie
- Mulberry
- Multiplex
- Multiply
- Murano
- Murmur
- Muse
- Muslin
- Mustang
- Myddleton
- Myrtle
- Mystique
- Myth
- My Way
- Nagano Crypton
- Nahouri
- Nakoda
- Nala
- Names
- Nashville CV
- Native Epu
- Natura
- Natural World 2.0
- Nauga Soft
- Naugasoft
- Needlepoint
- Neo
- Nest
- Nestle
- Net
- Network
- New Deal
- New Hempstead
- Niche
- Nico
- Nifty
- Night Life
- Nimble
- Nirvana
- Nishiki 2.0
- Noble
- Nomad
- Nook
- Northampton
- Northern Lights 470
- No Strings Attached
- Not-A-Hide
- Note
- Note CV
- Notion
- Nourish
- Nuance
- Nubble
- Nubbly
- Nylo-Stat
- Oath
- Obi Stripe 444
- Ocean Drive
- Oculus
- Odeon
- Odessa
- Odeum
- Odyssey
- Odyssey C-Zero
- Officine
- Offset
- Olive Branch
- Olivia
- Olympus
- Olympus 2.0
- Omega
- Ona
- Optic 10
- Optik
- Optimum
- Opulent
- Orbit 2.0
- Orenda Plaid
- Organza
- Origami
- Origin
- Orinoco
- Orion
- Oris
- Orvilla
- Oscar
- Oslo Crypton
- Otto
- Ottoman Stripe
- Outback
- Outfit
- Outlander
- Outline
- Ovals 542
- Ovation
- Overlapping Stripe
- Overlay
- Overpass
- Overshot 475
- Overtone
- Oxbow
- Oxford 2.0
- Oxford Cloth
- Pace
- Pacific-O
- Pacifica
- Page Turner
- Pagoda
- Painted Moon
- Painting Strokes
- Paisley Brocade
- Palatine
- Palatine 2
- Palazzo 360
- Palermo
- Palette 476
- Pallet
- Palm Desert
- Palmetto
- Palo Alto
- Palomino
- Panache
- Panorama
- Paola
- Parachute
- Parade
- Paradiso
- Paradox
- Paragon
- Paramour
- Parasail
- Parched Silk
- Parenthesis
- Parley
- Parody
- Parquet
- Particle
- Party Boat
- Passage
- Passel
- Pasture
- Patent
- Pathway
- Patina
- Patina Glaze
- Patio
- Patriot Plus II
- Patriot Plus II 2.0
- Paul
- Pause
- Pave
- Pax
- Paxton
- Peak
- Pearlescent
- Pebble Trail
- Pebble Wool
- Pebble Wool Multi
- Pelle
- Pendlesome
- Pennant
- Pennant Celliant
- Pentimento
- Pen To Paper
- Peony
- Pepitas
- Pepper
- Percheron
- Pergola
- Perk
- Perspective
- Perspective 2.0
- Petal
- Petal Dots
- Petite Floret
- Petite Pastoral
- Petra
- Phantasea
- Phenomena
- Phoenix
- Photon
- Phrase
- Piazza
- Piccolo
- Picnic
- Picnique
- Pierce
- Pierre
- Piezo
- Pigment
- Pika
- Pike Print
- Pinball
- Ping Pong
- Pinkerton
- Pinna
- Pinnacle
- Pinwale
- Pinwheel
- Pinyon
- Pip
- Piper
- Pisa
- Piscina
- Pisco
- Pitch
- Pivot
- Pixel
- Pixelate
- Pixel Cloud
- Pixel Flower 551
- Places Spaces Faces
- Plaid
- Plaid-itude
- Plaid All Over
- Plaited
- Plan
- Plastic Basket
- Plateau
- Platform
- Plaza
- Plaza 502
- Plenty
- Plexus
- Plume
- Plunge
- Plus
- Plush Grid
- Pod
- Poet
- Poetic
- Poetic CV
- Point
- Poise
- Polished
- Polka
- Polygon
- Poplin
- Pop Up
- Porcelain
- Porter
- Portico
- Porto CV
- Port of Call
- Posh
- Positano
- Postrio
- Posy
- Pound
- Power Grid
- Prairie
- Prato
- Precision
- Premier
- Preppy Handbook
- Prescription
- Presence
- Pressed Linen
- Pressed Plaid
- Prestige
- Primary
- Prime
- Printemps
- Printwork EPU
- Prism
- Prism 10
- Prisma
- Privateer
- Prodigy
- Profile
- Promenade
- Promenade 2.0
- Promessa (N/S B/O Only)
- Promise
- Prompt
- Propel
- Prospect
- Protege
- Provence
- Providence
- Province
- Proximity
- Puno
- Pure
- Pureapex
- Pureasana
- Purebotanica
- Purebrindle
- Purechallis
- Purechenille
- Purechic
- Purecoco
- Purecorduroy
- PureCurlicue
- Puredeco
- Purefelt
- Purefleece
- Pureflow
- Pureglint
- Puregratitude
- Pureherringbone
- Purehopsack
- Purekimbo
- Purelinen
- Puremeditation
- Puremindfulness
- Puremod
- Puremontrose
- Purenubuck
- Purepanama
- Purepeace
- Pureplait
- Purepoint
- Pureshimmer
- Puretwill
- Purevelour
- Purevelvet
- Purevogue
- Pureweave
- PureWicker
- Pursuit
- Puzzle
- Qbert
- Quarry
- Quartz
- Quatrefoil
- Quattro
- Quay
- Quell
- Quest
- Queue
- Quietude
- Quilt
- Quilted
- Quince
- Radiant
- Radius
- Raffia 2.0
- Raia
- Rail
- Rainbow
- Raindrops 552
- Rain Pool
- Rainwater
- Rally
- Ranchero
- Randall
- Range
- Rapport
- Rascal
- Ratio
- Rattan
- Ravel
- Raya
- Reality Check
- Rebel
- Reed
- Reef
- Reel Leather
- Reflection
- Reflector
- Refuge
- Regatta
- Reign
- Rein
- Rein II
- Relate
- Relativity
- Relax
- Relay
- Remark
- Remix
- Remy
- Renegade
- Renew
- Renna
- Repeat Classic
- Repeat Classic Print
- Repeat Classic Stripe
- Repeat Dot
- Repeat Dot Print
- Repeat Dot Ring
- Repose
- Reppweave
- Resort
- Restored
- Retro
- Retrograde
- Revel
- Reverb
- Reverie
- Revolution
- Revolve
- Revolve 2.0
- Revolve Print
- Rhythm
- Rhythmic
- Rialto
- Ribbed Weave
- Richmond
- Riddle
- Rider
- Rill
- Ring
- Ringer CV
- Ringo
- Rio
- Ripple 2.0
- Ripple In Time
- Rise
- Ritz
- Ritzi
- Riva
- Rival
- River
- Rivera
- Riverbank
- River Lea
- Riverstone
- Riviera
- Rivot
- Roadmap
- Road Trip
- Roam
- Rocket
- Rodenbach
- Rodeo
- Rodeo 2
- Rodin
- Rogue
- Rogue II
- Roman
- Rombu
- Rome Crypton
- Ronda
- Room Service
- Roseus Regatta
- Roster
- Rotary
- Roundabout
- Roundel
- Round Trip
- Route
- Rover
- Row
- Rowan
- Royal
- Royale
- Rubric
- Rugged
- Rumba
- Runner
- Runway
- Rustic 528
- Ryder
- Saber
- Sabi
- Sabine
- Saga
- Sag Harbor
- Sail
- Salinas
- Salter
- Salt Lake Crypton
- Salt Spring
- Samba
- Samsara
- Sanctuary
- Sandbox
- Sandwashed
- Sanganeri
- Sanibel
- San Simeon
- Santa Fe
- Santa FE Sun 290
- Santorini
- Sanya CV
- Saori
- Sapporo Crypton
- Sarto
- Sartorial
- Satchel
- Savant
- Savile
- Savvy
- Saxon
- Scape
- Scatter
- Scholar
- Schooner
- Science
- Scoop
- Scoprena
- Score
- Scout
- Scout 2.0
- Scrabble
- Script 2.0
- Scuba
- Scute
- Scuttle
- Seabed
- Seacoast 538
- Sealskin
- Seamstress
- Sea of Clouds
- Seascape
- Seaside
- Season
- Sea Willow
- Sector
- Sedona
- Seersucker
- Segmented Stripe
- Seine
- Seismic
- Sendal
- Senecal
- Sensory CV
- Sentiero
- Sentry - HC 2.0
- Sequence
- Sequential Stripe
- Sequoia
- Serena
- Serenade
- Serene
- Serenity
- Serried
- Set Sail
- Seville
- Shabby and Chic
- Shadow
- Shagreen
- Shake
- Shantung 2.0
- Sharkskin
- Shelter
- Sherlock
- Sherlock 2
- Shetland
- Shibori Linen
- Shift
- Shiki Silk
- Shilling
- Shimmer
- Shimmer 2
- Shimmy
- Shine
- Shiny Hide
- Shire
- Shoreline
- Shower
- Shower ME With Flowers
- Shuffle
- Shuttle
- Sidestep
- Sidetrack
- Sierra
- Sift
- Sightsee
- Signs
- Silhouette
- Silica
- Silica Altair
- Silica Andy
- Silica Arc
- Silica Bauble
- Silica Blend
- Silica Bracket
- Silica Bubbler
- Silica Checker
- Silica Compass
- Silica Cusp
- Silica Deflect
- Silica Effloresce
- Silica Etc.
- Silica Etch
- Silica Excursion
- Silica Fiona
- Silica Flick
- Silica Fresco
- Silica Fritz
- Silica Gidget
- Silica Hiatus
- Silica Hoop
- Silica Jig
- Silica Kip
- Silica Leather
- Silica Likely
- Silica Reach
- Silica Rhythms Surround You
- Silica Roam
- Silica Scout
- Silica Spoke
- Silica Strata
- Silica Stride
- Silica Suede
- Silica Tao
- Silica Tech
- Silica Thatch
- Silica Today Here Now
- Silica Triad
- Silica Waltz
- Silica Wifi
- Silicone-Avail
- Silicone-Downtown
- Silicone-Mountain
- Silicone-Uptown
- Silicone Cheer
- Silicone Element
- Silicone Element Celliant
- Silicone Glee
- Silicone Grid
- Silicone Lane
- Silicone Level
- Silicone Mountain
- Silicone Nappa
- Silicone Prime
- Silicone Range
- Silicone Reveal
- Silicone Roundabout
- Silicone Skyline
- Silicone Slopes
- Silicone Swayed
- Silk Canvas
- Silk Road
- Silk Struktur
- Siltech Grain
- Siltech Press
- Silverado
- Silverado 2
- Silvertex
- Silverweave
- Simply Hyde
- Sirocco
- Sistine
- Site
- Site Line
- Sketch
- Sketching Air
- Skip
- Skipper
- Skipping Stones
- Skye
- Skyway
- Sky Writing
- Sleek
- Sleek 2.0
- Sleeping Bear Dunes
- Slice
- Sloane CV
- Slow Dance
- Small Dot Pattern
- Small Talk
- Smart Soft
- Smoothie 2.0
- Social Dance
- Soft Spot
- Soft Stripe 554
- Soho
- Soiree Print
- Sojourn
- Solace
- Solar
- Solar Canvas 287
- Soleil
- Solitaire
- Solitude
- Solo
- Solstice
- Sonata
- Sonata Stripe
- Songbird
- Sonnet
- Soothe
- Sophia
- Sorano
- Sorrento
- Sort
- Soul Space
- Sound Bite
- South Beach
- Southgate
- Space Cow
- Space Oddity
- Spacer Mesh
- Spare
- Spartan
- Speakeasy CV
- Special Black - Madrid
- Special Black - Oxen
- Special Black - Sierra
- Special Black - Wallaby
- Speckle
- Speckle Boucle
- Spectrum
- Spencer
- Sphere
- Spin
- Spindle
- Spirit
- Spirit Millennium
- Spirit Millennium FAR
- Splash
- Splendor
- Splice
- Spokes
- Sport
- Sport Jacket
- Spotlight
- Spree
- Sprint
- Sprinter 464
- Spritz
- Spunk CV
- Square One
- Staccato
- Stage
- Stage Bill
- Stagecoach
- Staircase 541
- Stallion
- Stamp
- Standard
- Staple
- Starboard
- Starburst
- Stardust
- Starfall
- Starlight
- Starling
- Stat-Con
- Static
- Stature
- St Barts
- Steed
- Stella
- Stellar
- Stepped Plaid
- Stetson
- Sticks and Strings
- Stipple
- Stitch
- Stitch in Time
- Stockholm Crypton
- Stoneham
- Story
- Storyboard
- Straight Talk
- Strand
- Strata
- Stratford
- Stratum
- Streamer
- Streamline
- Streets
- Stride
- String Theory
- Stripes
- Stripetacular
- Stroll
- Structure
- Strum
- Strut
- Studio
- Study
- Stuff
- Stylist
- Subculture
- Subdivide
- Submariner
- Sudden
- Suedely
- Sukhala
- Sula
- Sullivan
- Sultan
- Sumi
- Summit
- Sunbeam 523
- Sunbrella Furniture Accord
- Sunbrella Furniture Action
- Sunbrella Furniture Adaptation
- Sunbrella Furniture Array
- Sunbrella Furniture Astoria
- Sunbrella Furniture Berenson
- Sunbrella Furniture Blend
- Sunbrella Furniture Blox
- Sunbrella Furniture Brannon
- Sunbrella Furniture Bravada
- Sunbrella Furniture Cabana
- Sunbrella Furniture Calm
- Sunbrella Furniture Canvas
- Sunbrella Furniture Canvas Premium
- Sunbrella Furniture Carousel
- Sunbrella Furniture Cast
- Sunbrella Furniture Centered
- Sunbrella Furniture Comfort
- Sunbrella Furniture Cove
- Sunbrella Furniture Create
- Sunbrella Furniture Cultivate
- Sunbrella Furniture Depth
- Sunbrella Furniture Dolce
- Sunbrella Furniture Dorsett
- Sunbrella Furniture Dupione
- Sunbrella Furniture Echo
- Sunbrella Furniture Echo Premium
- Sunbrella Furniture Elegance
- Sunbrella Furniture Embrace
- Sunbrella Furniture Equal
- Sunbrella Furniture Expand
- Sunbrella Furniture Fischer
- Sunbrella Furniture Foster
- Sunbrella Furniture Frequency
- Sunbrella Furniture Fretwork
- Sunbrella Furniture Gateway
- Sunbrella Furniture Gavin
- Sunbrella Furniture Harwood
- Sunbrella Furniture Heritage
- Sunbrella Furniture Hybrid
- Sunbrella Furniture Infused
- Sunbrella Furniture Lido
- Sunbrella Furniture Linen
- Sunbrella Furniture Luxe
- Sunbrella Furniture Mainstreet
- Sunbrella Furniture Mason
- Sunbrella Furniture Maxim
- Sunbrella Furniture Midori
- Sunbrella Furniture Milano
- Sunbrella Furniture Milano Premium
- Sunbrella Furniture Nuture
- Sunbrella Furniture Paradigm
- Sunbrella Furniture Peyton
- Sunbrella Furniture Pulse
- Sunbrella Furniture Range
- Sunbrella Furniture Regency
- Sunbrella Furniture Renew
- Sunbrella Furniture Resonate
- Sunbrella Furniture Sailcloth
- Sunbrella Furniture Scale
- Sunbrella Furniture Seville
- Sunbrella Furniture Shadows
- Sunbrella Furniture Shore
- Sunbrella Furniture Solana
- Sunbrella Furniture Spectrum
- Sunbrella Furniture Spectrum Premium
- Sunbrella Furniture Stanton
- Sunbrella Furniture Token
- Sunbrella Furniture Trusted
- Sunbrella Furniture Violetta
- Sunburst
- Sundance
- Sundial
- Sundry
- Sunfair
- Sun Kissed
- Sunny
- Sunnyvale
- Superweave
- Surface
- Surge
- Suri
- Sutherland
- Swathe
- Sweater 533
- Swerve
- Swift
- Swim
- Swipe
- Switch
- Switchboard
- Swivel
- Swizzle
- Sybarite
- Sycamore
- Sydney
- Sylvan
- Symphony Classic
- Sync
- Synergy
- Syntax
- System
- Tack
- Tack Cloth
- Tactic
- Tag
- Tailor
- Tailored
- Tailor Made
- Takes Two To Tangle
- Talavera
- Talia
- Talladega
- Tally
- Tampa Bay
- Tandem
- Tango
- Tangram
- Tanner
- Taper
- Tartan
- Tartan Print
- Tas
- Tattersall
- Taurus
- Taut Linen
- Teamwork
- Technohound
- Tech Tweed
- Tech Weave
- Tectonic
- Telegraph
- Telfair
- Tempera
- Templeton
- Tempo
- Tenacity
- Tender
- Tendril 2.0
- Terra
- Terrace 493
- Terry Cloth
- Tesla
- Tessellation
- Tessera
- Tessuto 2.0
- Textura
- Textura CV
- Theatre District
- The Firm
- The Keys
- Theorem
- Theory
- Theory 10
- The Plaid
- The Thames
- Thick And Thin 547
- Thornton
- Thoroughbred
- Threaded
- Threads
- Thrive
- Tick-Tock
- Tic Tac
- Tidbit
- Tides
- Tiebele
- Tiffany
- Tilde
- Tilt
- Timeless
- Tinker
- Tiny Boucle
- Tiny bubbles
- Tiny Herringbone
- Tivoli
- Tivoli 534
- Toggle
- Toile
- Token
- Tone
- Toostripe
- Top Coats
- Topknot
- Top Notch
- Topsy Turvy
- Top Talent
- Toronto
- Torus
- Touch
- Touch Base
- Touchstone
- Toulouse
- Tour
- Tracery
- Tradewinds CV
- Tradition C-Zero
- Trails
- Tranquil
- Tranquility
- Transform
- Trapeze
- Traveler
- Travel Roadies
- Traverse
- Treaty
- Treble
- Treeline
- Trefoil
- Trellis
- Tress
- Trestle
- Triad
- Triad Stripe
- Triangles 491
- Tribeca
- Tribeca CV
- Tricolore
- Trident
- Trigon
- Trilogy
- Trim
- Trinket
- Trio
- Triumph
- Trivia
- Trouvaille
- Trove
- Trundle
- Truss
- Tuatara
- Tudor Rose
- Tuft
- Tufted
- Tulum
- Tumbleweed
- Turnabout
- Turner
- Turret
- Tussar
- Tweed
- Tweedledee
- Tweed Multi
- Tweedsmuir
- Tweedy
- Tweedy 548
- Twickenham
- Twill EPU
- Twinkle
- Twinkle Sky
- Twinkle Tapestry
- Twist
- Tycoon
- Typography
- Udderly Perfected
- Ulster
- Ulster Upholstery
- Ultra Air
- Ultrachevron
- Ultracrush
- Ultraflannel
- Ultraleather
- Ultraleather Pearlized
- Ultraleather Premium
- Ultraposh
- Ultratweed
- Unforgettable
- Union
- Unisol
- Unity
- Unveil
- Unwind
- Upgrade
- Uptick
- Urban
- Utopia
- Vail
- Valais
- Valencia
- Valiant
- Valise
- Valley
- Valor
- Valour
- Vanderbilt
- Vanguard CV
- Vanish
- Vapor
- Vara
- Variant 10
- Varick
- Vassar
- Vault
- Vector
- Veer
- Veld
- Veloce
- Velocity
- Velvet Corduroy
- Velvet Stripe
- Venetian
- Venture
- Venue
- Veranda
- Verge
- Vero
- Verona
- Vertex
- Verve
- Vestige
- Via
- Victoria
- Villa
- Villa II 487
- Vine
- Vintage
- Vintage Glaze
- Vintage Mohair
- Vinyl Stat - ESD
- Vista
- Vitality
- Viva
- Vivo
- Volt
- Volterra-HC
- Vonn
- Vortexia 2.0
- Voyage
- Voyager
- Waistcoat
- Waler
- Walk the Line 2.0
- Wanderer
- Wardrobe
- Washi
- Watercolor Grid
- Watermarks
- Waterwand 2.0
- Watson
- Waver
- Waves
- Weaving Palettes
- Webster
- Weft
- Wellesley
- Well Well Well
- Welsh Check
- Wend
- Westerly
- Western Willie
- Westminster
- What The Fray
- Whim
- Whirl
- Whirligig
- Whisp
- Whisper 2.0
- Whisper Vinyl
- Whitehall
- Whit EPU
- Whitney
- Why Why Why
- Wicker
- Wicker 2.0
- Wicklow
- Wide Corduroy
- Widget
- Wild Thing
- Willow
- Wilson
- Windlass
- Winfield
- Wink
- Winnly
- Winslow
- Winston
- Wish
- Wish 485
- Wishes
- Wisteria
- Witzel CV
- Wonder
- Wool Boucle
- Wool Boucle 512
- Wool Check
- Woolie
- Woolish
- Wool Multi 513
- Wool Striae
- Wool Structure 511
- Wool Velvet
- Wool Weave 510
- Wormwood
- Worsted
- Woven Felt
- Woven Texture
- Wow
- Wrangler
- Wrap
- Wren
- Wright
- Wyatt
- Wyndham
- Wyoming Collection
- Xanadu
- XO
- X Pattern
- Yarnplay CV
- Yates
- Ybor
- Yellowstone
- York Plaid
- Yorkville
- Your Bird Can Sing
- Zanzibar
- Zaria
- Zazzle
- Zen
- Zenith
- Zest
- Ziggy / Ziggy 2.0
- Zip
- Zip-Up
- Zipped
- Zodiac
- Zorro
- Zulu
- Zyon
Brand | Pattern Name | Fabric Type | Grade | Carded In |
Anzea | Kri | Woven | Call for pricing |